Whole-School Curriculum Vision Statement

The curriculum at Ormskirk School sets out what we want our students to know and to know how to do across Key Stages 3 to 5, ensuring that they can thoroughly enjoy a rich diet of sufficiently demanding work in our inclusive setting, and that they are as ready as possible to access the next steps of their education, employment or training, as global citizens.

Our ambitious curriculum, which covers the aims of the National Curriculum, is planned for all our students, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND).  In agreeing and planning their classroom pedagogy, subject departments have carefully considered NASEN's subject-specific guidance on inclusivity. 

Curriculum planning identifies where knowledge is first met and later revisited, ensuring opportunities for spaced repetition, increasing the likelihood of successful recall over time. Connections within and across subjects are regularly exploited so that students are able to build on prior learning, see the bigger picture and appreciate the wider context of their learning.

Reading and vocabulary development have been carefully considered across the curriculum to ensure that students are able to access increasingly challenging texts with fluency and growing articulacy.  

The curriculum is planned to ensure that students receive well-timed feedback they will need to close gaps in their learning and to stretch their learning further.  Cumulative assessment end points have been mapped, with subjects having clarity around the golden threads of knowledge that allow for the best possible progression through the carefully sequenced curriculum.

With our local context and our cohorts central to our curriculum thinking, we seek to equip all students with the wealth of cultural capital they will need to live a safe, happy and purposeful life as open-minded and knowledgeable citizens of the modern, diverse world.  This has been carefully considered in the broad range of concepts students study, and the stimulating texts they read.

Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overview 2022 - 2023

Key Stage 3

  • There are 10 teaching groups per year group for the majority of subjects
  • The groups are split into 2 bands - O and S 
  • The bands are equal ability with 5 classes in each band
  • There is 1 class in each band which is a smaller nurture group
  • Within the carousel suite of lessons there are 12 teaching groups to give the practical subjects smaller class sizes

Year 7

  • Pupils are taught in mixed prior attainment groups for all subjects

Year 8

  • Pupils are taught in mixed prior attainment groups for all subjects

Year 9

  • Pupils are taught in sets for Maths
  • Pupils are taught in mixed prior attainment groups for all subjects

Key Stage 4

Years 10 and 11

  • Pupils remain in O and S band for English, Maths and PE
  • Option subjects & Science run across both bands and there are 4 option columns
  • Pupils continue to study PSHE during form tutor time
  • Pupils are taught in sets for English, Maths and Science
  • Option subjects are mixed prior attainment

Key Stage 5

  • In year 12 students choose 3 subjects from 5 option columns
  • Students who have not achieved a grade 4 GCSE in either English Language or Literature and/or Maths will continue with these subjects
  • All students follow an enrichment programme including a potential additional qualification with the 'Extended Project'


Subject Lessons per fortnight Classes
English 6 10
Maths 6 10
Science 6 10
Technology 4 12
PE 4 12
Spanish 4 10
Geography 3 10
History 3 10
Religious Education 2 10
Computer Science 2 10
Art 2 10
Drama 2 10
Music 2 10
Literacy 2 10
Skills For Life 2 10
Subject Lessons per fortnight Classes
English  6 10
Maths 6 10
Science 6 10
Technology 4 12
PE 4 12
Geography 3 10
History 3 10
Spanish Sets  3 10
French or Key Skills 3 12
Religious Education 2 10
Computer Science 2 10
Art 2 10
Drama 2 10
Music 2 10
Skills For Life 2 10

French 8 classes

Key Skills 4 classes

Subject Lessons per fortnight Classes
English 6 10
Maths 6 10
Science 6 10
Technology 3 12
PE 4 12
Geography 3 10
History 3 10
Spanish Sets  4 10
French or Key Skills 3 12
Religious Education 2 10
Computer Science 2 10
Art 2 10
Drama 2 10
Music 2 10
Skills For Life 2 10

French 8 classes

Key Skills 4 classes

Subject Lessons per fortnight Classes
English 8 9
Maths 7 9
Science 9 11
Religious Studies 2 9
PE 2 12
Skills For Life 2 10
Option A 5 see option sheet
Option B 5
Option C 5
Option D 5
Learning for Life    
Key Skills / Re 4 1
English 8 1
Maths 7 1
Science 9 1
Information Technology  4 1
PE 2 1
Art 4 1
College 10 1
Skills for Life  2 1
Subject Lessons per fortnight Classes
English 8 10
Maths 7 10
Science 9 11
Religious Studies 2 10
PE 2 12
Skills For Life 2 10
Option A 5 see option sheet
Option B 5
Option C 5
Option D 5
Learning for Life    
Key Skills / Re 8 1
English 7 1
Maths 7 1
Science 6 1
Information Technology  4 1
PE 2 1
Art 4 1
College 10 1
Skills for Life 2 1
Subject Lessons per fortnight Classes
Option A 10 see option sheet
Option B 10
Option C 10
Option D 10
Tutorial  2 6
Enrichment 2 *
Resit English 4 1
Resit Maths 4 1
AS Maths 4 1

* Enrichment is combined in Y12 & 13 and there are approx. 8 classes across both year groups

Year 12 & 13 - 9 face to face 1 study

6th form - classes with small numbers have a reduced number of face-to-face lessons

Extended Project is dependant on student numbers

Subject Lessons per fortnight Classes
Option A 9 see option sheet
Option B 9
Option C 9
Option D 9
Tutorial  2 6
Enrichment 2 *
Resit English 4 1
Resit Maths 4 1
Extended Project 2 1
Core maths 4 1

* Enrichment is combined in Y12 & 13 and there are approx. 8 classes across both year groups

Year 12 & 13 - 9 face to face 1 study

6th form - classes with small numbers have a reduced number of face-to-face lessons

Extended Project is dependant on student numbers